3. Preprocessing data

Typically, raw data direct from collection is not too useful. QUAC implements a preprocessing step to translate it into more pleasant formats as well as do some preliminary analysis. This section describes the steps to do that.


All times and dates are in UTC except as otherwise noted.

3.1. Time series files

3.1.1. Motivation

The ultimate goal of preprocessing is to turn diverse kinds of internet data into hourly time series of event counts, for example n-gram occurences in Twitter messages or Wikpedia article hits. These are stored in the time series files.

We have three main goals for these files:

  1. Provide a unified format for many types of things that can be counted over time, to feed into a unified analysis framework.
  2. Facilitate parallel access to the dataset without specialized I/O techniques (such as MPI parallel I/O).
  3. Facilitate reasonable performance for continually updated data written in time-major order (e.g., each hour, a new Wikipedia access log file arrives giving hits for all pages) as well as fast reading in item-major order (e.g., quickly iterate through each Wikipedia article’s complete time series). That is, we want to accomplish a data transpose implicitly during the preprocessing phase.

3.1.2. File format

Named time series are stored in SQLite3 database files. A directory contains multiple databases fragmented by time (month); within each file are multiple tables sharded by time series name (by hashing).

Currently, time series must be hourly, and fragments are one per month. We have attempted to make the API extensible to remove these limitations without excessive disruption to existing code.

Time series vectors can be any NumPy data type. If any time series fragment is present in a fragment file, it is complete (i.e., a value is present for each hour in the month.)

Functionality is provided for pruning (and replacing with zeroes on fetch) fragments with small magnitude.

For example:

  • ts/ — Time series directory (can be named arbitrarily)
    • 2007-12-01.db — Data for the month of December 2007.
      • data0 — Table containing data for time series whose name hashed mode \(n\) is 0.
      • data1 — Table containing data for time series whose name hashed mode \(n\) is 1.
      • ... (additional shards)
    • 2008-01-01.db — Data for the month of January 2008.
      • ... (shards)
    • ... (one file for each month in the dataset)

A data table has the following columns. All are NOT NULL.

  • name: Time series name (text, primary key).
  • dtype: NumPy data type character code (text).
  • total: Sum of element absolute values in the time series fragment (double, regardless of fragment data type).
  • data: Content of time series fragment. This is either a memory dump of the corresponding NumPy object (i.e., a C array), or the same memory dump compressed with zlib (if total is below a threshold).

Each database also contains a metadata table with various parameters.


Data tables do not use explicit indexes, instead relying on SQLite’s WITHOUT ROWID feature coupled with maximum-size 64kB pages. Back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest this is the right choice performance-wise, but it has not been tested.

3.2. Twitter

3.2.1. Overview

QUAC’s Twitter pipeline has three basic steps:

  1. Collect tweets using the streaming API. (collect script.)
  2. Convert the tweets from the raw JSON, de-duplicate and clean them up, and produce nicely organized and ordered TSV files. (parse.mk makefile.)
  3. Geo-locate tweets that do not contain a geotag. (geo.mk makefile.) (But see issue #15.)


Processing Twitter data into time series files is not yet implemented.

3.2.2. File organization

A fully populated data directory looks something like this:

  • raw/ — Raw JSON tweets fresh from the Streaming API.
    • 2012-04/ — Tweets from collect. Each month gets its own directory.
      • 20120401_003115.json.gz — Sequence of JSON tweet objects. Note: As of roughly April 14, 2014, most tweets contain spurious newlines due to the erroneous way that QUAC handles Transfer-Encoding: chunked HTTP data. Our parsing strategy works around this problem. We plan to fix this in Issue #8.
      • 20120401_003115.stats — Text file containing a few statistics about the above.
      • 20120401_003115.2012-03-31.raw.tsv — Direct TSV translation of tweets from March 31 contained in the JSON file above (i.e., still contains duplicates and is in arbitrary order).
      • 20120401_003115.2013-04-01.raw.tsv — A given JSON file can have tweets from multiple days, so it may produce more than one .raw.tsv file.
      • 20120401_003115.d – Makefile listing dependencies related to the above JSON and .raw.tsv files.
      • ... (lots more of the above)
    • legacy/ — Subdirectories don’t have to be named after dates. (Perhaps you have some existing Twitter data that were not collected with QUAC.)
    • ... (more subdirs)
  • pre/
    • 2012-03-31.all.tsv — Processed tweets from March 31 from all raw JSON files. No duplicates and in ascending order by tweet ID.
    • 2012-03-31.geo.tsv — Subset of the above that contain a geotag.
    • ... (two .tsv per day in the data)
    • metadata — Python pickle file summarizing metadata for the above files.
  • geo/FIXME

In addition to the above, you will find .log files scattered about. These are simply log files produced during processing.

3.2.3. File formats Raw JSON tweets

Each raw tweet file (.json.gz) is a gzipped sequence of JSON-encoded tweets in the format documented by Twitter, separated by newlines (i.e., a file cannot be parsed as a single JSON object). Non-tweet objects do appear; these are also JSON encoded. Newlines do not appear within encoded tweets, so they can safely be used as a separator. Files are named with a timestamp of when collection started for that file (time zone is local, a historical artifact which will not be fixed – be careful!) and placed in a 1-level hierarchy by year and month. The collection process caps the number of tweets in each raw file to a “reasonable” number that changes occasionally.

Along with each .json.gz is a .stats file. This contains a few statistics about the raw file’s data, though its key purpose is simply to mark that the collector closed the tweet file in an orderly way. Bare .json.gz files may be still in progress, broken, etc. and should be read with caution. Tweets are Unicode and indeed contain high characters, so care must be taken in handling character encodings.

collect saves the raw bytes of each tweet it receives from the Twitter Streaming API, without any parsing or encoding/decoding. There are a few quirks of this stream. (I am pretty sure, but not 100% sure, that these are all real, and not quirks of Python – they’re consistent between curl, Firefox, and my Python code.) These quirks do not appear to affect the parsability of the JSON.

  • While the encoding of the output is ostensibly UTF-8, it appears that high characters are escaped with the “uXXXX” notation. For example:

  • Some text has excessive escaping. For example, forward slashes do not need to be escaped, but they are anyway:

    "source":"\u003Ca href=\"http:\/\/blackberry.com\/twitter" TSV files

The raw tweet files are not so convenient to work with: JSON parsing is slow, and tweets can be duplicated and out of order (including between files, which makes parallelization difficult). Therefore, we pre-process the JSON into a TSV format which addresses these issues. The final product is a pair of TSV files for each day:

  • YYYY-DD-MM.all.tsv — For each day, we build one tab-separated-values (TSV) file containing tweets created on that day, in ascending ID order. There is no header line, no quoting, and no within-record newlines or tabs (these are stripped before storing the tweets). There is some other cleaup that goes on as well; consult the source code for this. The encoding is UTF-8. The files contain the following possibly-empty fields, in this order (note that field names generally correspond to those in the JSON; refer to the Twitter docs):
    1. id: Tweet ID from Twitter (64-bit integer)
    2. created_at: When the tweet was created, in ISO 8601 format.
    3. text: The actual “message”; free text
    4. user_screen_name: free text with some restrictions
    5. user_description: free text
    6. user_lang: ISO 639-1 language code set by user. Note that this is a fairly unreliable means of determining the language of text. FIXME: take advantage of new lang tweet attribute when it comes out.
    7. user_location: free text
    8. user_time_zone: self-selected from a few dozen options
    9. location_lon: longitude of geotag (WGS84)
    10. location_lat: latitude of geotag
    11. location_src: code indicating source of geotag; one of:
      • co: coordinates attribute (GeoJSON)
      • ge: geo attribute (an older form of official geotag) FIXME
      • lo: coordinates appearing in user location field FIXME
      • ... FIXME
  • YYYY-DD-MM.geo.tsv — The subset of the above which have a geotag.

There are also intermediate TSV files (.raw.tsv) which are in the above format but have not yet had de-duplication and re-ordering. Downstream applications should ignore them. Preprocessing metadata file

This file is a pickled Python dictionary containing metadata about the directory of preprocessed TSV files. It currently contains one item:

  1. days is a dict listing metadata for the daily TSV files above. Keys are datetime.date instances, and values are dictionaries with the following fields:
    • count: Number of tweets
    • count_geotag: Number of geotagged tweets
    • min_id: Minimum tweet ID in the file
    • max_id: Maximum tweet ID in the file

Note: The metadata file used to contain information about the raw tweet files as well. This proved to be not so useful, and so it hasn’t been reimplemented in the new make-based processing scheme. Geo-located tweets


  • TSV, one per day
  • Tweet ID, pickled Geo_GMM instance
  • GMM even if geotagged Alternatives that were considered and rejected

We tried the following and ultimately rejected them (for now). A key requirement (as of 2/21/2013) is that we’d like convenient parallel access and not to mess with setting up servers.

  • Postgres: We tried using Postgres, which is a very nice open source RDBMS that has great spatial support (PostGIS), but it was just too slow. Also, it requires setting up a server and doesn’t lend itself to a distributed approach.
  • DBM-style databases (e.g., BerkeleyDB): We need key/tuple storage, not just key/value (unless we want to do our own pickling of Python objects into values, which seems lame).
  • SQLite/SpatiaLite: Again, rather slow, and overkill since we need key/tuple storage. Doesn’t support streaming or parallel access very well.
  • ZODB: This is a Python-native object database (from the Zope project). I implemented it as far as actually storing data, but the documentation is poor (e.g., the ZODB Book recommends a technique for subtransactions that doesn’t work any more), the interface is a bit awkward, it produces several files per database, and the databases are rather large (a subset of 8 fields is nearly as large as the gzipped raw tweet files).
  • NoSQL: There are lots of very hip NoSQL databases (e.g. CouchDB, MongoDB, etc.). However, none seem to offer both an embedded option (i.e., no server process) and key/tuple (document- or column-oriented?) rather than simply key/value.

3.3. Wikimedia pageview logs

3.3.1. Overview

Wikimedia data (Wikipedia and related projects) are acquired using the wp-get-access-logs script and then preprocessed into time series files using the wp-preprocess.mk makefile.

3.3.2. File organization

A fully populated data directory looks (in part) something like this:

  • raw/ — Raw text files direct from WMF. Note that some of these files contain breakage.
    • 2012/
      • 2012-04/ — Article access counts (“pageviews” or “pagecounts”) of intervals ending in April 2012.
        • pagecounts-20120428-130001.gz — Number of times each URL was served during 12:00:00 through 12:59:59 on April 28.
        • ... (one file for each hour starting March 31, 23:00:00 through April 30, 22:00:00)
    • ... (Each month gets its own subdirectory.)
  • ts/ — Time series dataset.


We do not download or use the projectcounts files, which contain the total number of URLs served from each project (e.g., Norwegian Wiktionary), because many of them are broken and must be re-generated anyway. (See issue #81.)

3.3.3. Article filtering

Four classes of articles are excluded from the time series files:

  • Data lines with delimiters other than a single space. These are invalid (and rare).

  • Articles with anything other than lowercase A to Z and dot in the project (language) code. These are invalid.

  • Articles with “funny” characters in their URLs. Specifically, only the following URL characters are passed through:

    • ASCII alphanumeric (A–Z upper and lower case, plus digits 0–9).
    • The rest of the unreserved set: -_.~
    • Some of the reserved set: !*();@,/
    • Percent (%), to allow encoded URLs through.

    For example, this excludes articles:

    • In non-main namespaces (these titles contain a colon).
    • Accessed with non-percent-encoded high characters (code point ≥128).


    This is done to make downstream processing easier while excluding a minimal set of articles.

Together, these three filters exclude roughly 1/3 of the total data lines in the pageview files. Filtering is done using standard UNIX text processing tools, so the excluded data never touch Python code; be aware of this when interpreting statistics printed by the QUAC scripts.

A final filter is implemented in Python:

  • Articles with less than a threshold number of requests in a given month. The zero vector is inferred for such months. This avoids storing low-traffic article time series fragments that are too rarely accessed or noisy to be useful in analysis.

    The threshold is configurable at wkpd.keep_threshold.

In sum, after filtering, only a small percentage of URLs with reported hits find their way into the time series files. The exception is the current month, where the last step has not yet been applied, and so roughly 2/3 of articles are still present.

3.3.4. Pagecount file format

Pagecount files are compressed text files containing a sequence of lines. Each line describes accesses to a given article and is a space-separated 4-tuple of project code, article URL, number of requests, and bytes served. See the WMF documentation for further details.

There are several quirks:

  1. The files apparently contain all requested URLs, not necessarily articles that really exist(ed).

  2. Rarely, lines with incorrect delimeters or other format problems are encountered.

  3. The timestamp in the filename is the end of the hour recorded in the file. Often, these timestamps are a few seconds past the hour; we ignore this.

  4. There have been periods of modest underreporting, with up to 20% of hits unrecorded. We assume such underreporting is random and do not try to correct it. Because our analysis works on fraction of total traffic rather than raw hit counts, the effect should be minimal.

  5. Filesystem timestamps are not reliable, especially in the older parts of the data. That is, sometimes older files have newer timestamps, and the interval between consecutive files can be much less than one hour (sometimes less than a second, making them equal on many filesystems).

  6. The files are ASCII, with high bytes in article URLs percent-encoded. We do not decode them because (a) it saves significant time and (b) there are apparently non-UTF-8 encodings in use. (I believe the URL encoding is selected by the browser.)

    An artifact of (b) is that article counts can be split. For example, the Russian article Люди_Икс (i.e., the X-Men comic series) can be accessed at both of the following URLs:

    Other encodings (e.g., ISO 8859-5, %BB%EE%D4%D8_%B8%DA%E1 and KOI8-R, %EC%C0%C4%C9_%E9%CB%D3) do not work. Figuring out this mess is something I’m not very interested in. How WMF does it, I have no idea.

    We do, however, normalize spaces into underscores. I believe this may be incomplete (see issue #77).

  7. Line ordering varies. The following observations are after the extra-Python exclusions described above.

    • From the beginning to roughly May 15, 2008, files are in LC_ALL=C sort order.
    • From roughly May 15, 2008 to roughly January 1, 2015, project codes containing a dot and projects codes without a dot are separately in LC_ALL=C sort order, but the combined file is not in that order. I do not know why the change happened.
    • From roughly January 1, 2015 to the present (as of April 21, 2015), files are in LC_ALL=C sort order again. This corresponds with a change in file production method at Wikimedia, so I suspect it is fairly reliable.

3.3.5. Time series storage

Time series names for Wikipedia articles are the language concatenated with a slash and the article URL, for example en/Fever or fr/Fi%C3%A8vre. These time series are np.float32 to save space. Elements with the value 0 indicate either a zero value or no data.

For normalization and to resolve this ambiguity, language total time series are also stored under the language code (e.g., en or fr, no trailing slash) as np.float64 to avoid floating-point summation problems. Elements of these total vectors are either the total of all time series of that language for that hour, or NaN if no hits at all in that language were recorded. Under this system, it is still ambiguous whether a given language did not exist or recorded no traffic, but these two situations are close enough that we believe this is not a concern.

Typical analysis will divide an article time series by the language total time series to obtain a fraction of total traffic with NaN elements for missing data.