10. How to contribute

10.1. Basic workflow

These are the rough steps we follow to get things done. Use your judgement too!

10.1.1. Branching model

We try to keep the branching model simple. Right now, ours is fairly similar to Scott Chacon’s “GitHub Flow”: master is stable; do (non-trivial, i.e. multi-commit) work on topic branches; use pull requests to ask for merging. One thing we do take from Driessen’s Git-Flow model is an avoidance of fast-forward merges in most cases.

We do tag versions. At this point, this is a planning tool rather than any statement about stability.

10.1.2. Doing actual work

  1. Select an issue to work on and assign it to yourself. If there isn’t one, create one. You might want to discuss your plans before diving in. Make sure no one else is working on it already.

    Sometimes your plans involve multiple issues. In this case, pick one to be the “leader” (you’ll use this below).

  2. Create (and switch to) a branch to do your work on:

    $ git checkout -b foo-branch

    Name the branch after the issue, including issue number, if that will be helpful.

  3. Work, work, work. Commit lots. Use test-driven development. If a commit will close an issue, use the GitHub commit-message syntax to do so.

  4. (Optional.) If your history is particularly insane, clean it up with git rebase.

  5. Merge master into your branch. Repair any conflicts that arise. (This is so the later merge in the opposite direction will be clean.)

  6. Run the tests. If they don’t pass, keep working until they do.

  7. Push your branch to GitHub. If you’re a core contributor (i.e., you have write access to reidpr/quac), put your branch there. Otherwise, put it in your QUAC fork on GitHub.

  8. Create a pull request. (Do this any time you want feedback — you don’t have to be ready to merge. However, in this case say clearly in the pull request comments that you don’t want a merge yet.)

    Core contributors should transform the lead issue into a pull request with:

    $ hub pull-request -i $ISSUENUM

    Others should comment on the lead issue with a pointer to the pull request; the pull request should in turn have a pointer to the issue.

  9. Assign the issue to the master master (if you can) and add a comment requesting the pull.

  10. Once your work is merged and pushed, remove your local branch.

10.1.3. Merging to master

  1. Verify that you have a pull request, not just a branch.

  2. Go to the pull request & read about what’s going on.

  3. git checkout master

  4. Merge the relevant branch:

    $ git merge --no-ff --no-commit remote/foo-branch

    (Note that you don’t need to create a local branch; you can merge a remote branch directly.)

  5. If there were any conflicts, abort the merge and complain.

  6. Run the tests. If any failed, abort the merge and complain.

  7. Commit, push.

  8. Verify that the relevant issues were closed on GitHub.

  9. Remove the branch:

    $ git push origin --delete $BRANCH

10.1.4. Cutting a release

  1. Make sure no issues remain for the GitHub milestone.
  2. Edit release notes and commit.
  3. Run the tests (they should pass).
  4. make doc-web
  5. Tag the appropriate commit, e.g.: git tag -a v0.foo
  6. git push, git push --tags
  7. Close the relevant milestone.

10.2. Simplifying cmdtest updates with meld

You can use Meld to help evaluate cmdtest failures and update expected output if necessary. Workflow:

  1. Open expected and actual output: meld foo.stdout foo.stdout-actual.
  2. Meld will show you a visual diff between expected (left) and actual (right) output.
  3. If a difference is not expected, fix stuff and re-run the test. Choose File, Revert when done to update the diff.
  4. If the difference is expected:
    • Click the arrow to move it over to the expected file (.output).
    • Click Save. (You may need to click on the expected area to enable the button.)

10.3. Code style

At a high level, follow the style of surrounding code. We more or less follow PEP 8 style, except:

  • 3 spaces per indent.
  • Put parentheses around the conditions in if, for, etc.

Note that Reid is very picky about code style, so don’t feel singled out if he complains (or even updates this section based on your patch!). He tries to be nice about it.

10.3.1. Docstrings

Example (note extra indent):

def whois(number):
   '''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ac
      semper eros. Curabitur ullamcorper tortor et nibh lobortis, ut
      ultrices sapien aliquet.

      >>> whois(8675309)

10.4. Documentation

10.4.1. Building the docs

To build HTML:

$ make doc

Eventually we may build a few other formats too (e.g., PDF via LaTeX).

Sometimes, Sphinx gets confused about removed files. In this case, before building, try:

$ (cd sphinx && make clean)

10.4.2. Conventions

FIXME (i.e., interpreted text containing the word “FIXME”, all caps)

Chapter title (once per file)

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3 (use sparingly)

10.4.3. Publishing to the web

If you have write access to the master repository, you can update the web documentation. Prerequisites

Normally, HTML documentation is copied to doc/, which is a regular old directory that is ignored by Git. To publish to the web, that directory needs to contain a Git checkout of the gh-pages branch (not a submodule). To set that up:

$ rm -Rf doc
$ git clone git@github.com:reidpr/quac.git doc
$ cd doc
$ git checkout gh-pages Publishing

Just say make doc-web. Note that it can sometimes take a few minutes for the new version to be published.